It is possible to change the subscription type to a Google Group. Changing the subscription type will affect the amount of emails you receive from the group and how the emails are displayed to you in your inbox.

1) Navigate to

2) Find the group which you want to change the subscription type of.

3) Click on the down arrow () under the Subscription column to expand the list of options for that group.
4) Select an option that best suits you. Below are description of each type of subscription.

Group Subscriptions

  • Each email - Messages sent individually as they're posted to the group.
  • Abridged - Summaries of up to 150 messages combined into a single emails are sent daily.
  • Digest - Up to 25 complete messages combined into single emails and sent daily.
  • No email - Messages from the group are not sent.

To receive abridged summaries or digests of a group's messages, you must turn on conversation history for the group.